• OE Week March 4th to March 8th

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    M1: The Regulation of Aviation

    This course provides a general overview of the law and legal systems including contract and tort law and also areas of corporate and criminal law. Students undertaking aviation-related studies would also benefit from this course as it presents all the areas of the law that impinge upon aviation activities.

    Maksym Kozlenko, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
    Module 2: The Commercial Aviation Industry

    In this module, the importance of business and commerce to commercial aviation is considered from the perspective of those working in the aviation industry. It explains the structure of businesses and the way in which transactions are carried out and the increasing importance of intellectual property. In respect to the commercial aviation industry, a brief overview of aircraft leasing and aviation insurance is provided. As such, we look at the various types of business structures and workplace arrangements that can be found in aviation across various jurisdictions. 

    Payment is in Australian dollars (AUD).

    OE WEEK 2023
    M3: Aviation Safety and Security

    This Module provides an introduction to the topic of aviation safety and aviation security and an overview of how these concepts impacts on organisations and cultures. The importance of understanding what is meant by safety and a systems approach to safety management is considered from a perspective of those working in the aviation industry. The aviation industry is composed of a series of overlapping operational areas that safety and security personnel must protect. Aviation is an effective and efficient mode of transportation affecting the whole world. As such, aviation is a target that both terrorists and criminals highly desire. Therefore, each operational area must be protected accordingly as to prevent any terrorist or criminal behaviour.

    In this site we will offer free course for the general public. At the university we are determined to serve our region by providing free opportunities to the communities.

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    For any queries regarding this site you can email them to openedu@usp.ac.fj